a woman with a gray jacket and a pink shirt
a woman with a gray jacket and a pink shirt

Hello ! My name is Jenna

I am in the middle of writing the story of my life

As many of us are, I am actively on a journey of finding home within myself. Over the past few years I have been nudged to take a few big leaps. Each one has been necessary and full of magic while also being quite uncomfortable. It has opened up a path for me that I could have never imagined. In so many ways, I am living my wildest dreams.

I am currently on a self proclaimed sabbatical from working full time as a physical therapist, a job I dearly love. My work has been the center of my identity for the past 11 years and I reached a point where I felt lost to myself. I lacked clarity of who I am because my vision was clouded by all the identities I clung to. I was called to a season of letting go, my own internal autumn if you will. The universe pushed me in a new direction and all I could do was follow.

I have always been someone who moved through the world with more head than heart. I’m discovering there are many limits when moving through the world in this way. The time has finally come for me to feel my way through the world rather than think. To allow my heart and soul to guide me forward rather than follow the traditional path my mind prefers.

As I have stumbled down this path, I have found an immense amount of beauty and pain. The world we live in today is not an easy one to navigate, especially with an open heart. I thought I was called to this season of life to study the human experience of pain but it has become something much deeper.

I believed my obsession with pain began growing while I was in graduate school to become a physical therapist. Little did I know that my life has been a lesson in pain all along. Stepping back from what some may call the “real world” has allowed me to continue my studies. Life is our greatest teacher, but we have to be willing to make space for the lessons to arrive.

Pain is complex, frustrating, beautiful and nuanced. I have only scratched the surface of how pain becomes entangled in our lives and I need to know more. Join me as I disentangle the truth of pain from the lies we have learned.

Beyond the study of pain, I am using this time to allow myself to unfold. Life can become such a beautiful distraction that we forget to create space for our own being. I am stumbling through the process of getting to know my most authentic self. It is messy work but I would have it no other way.

Yoga has become my preferred tool to excavate myself and the world around me. You will hear a lot of yogic wisdom flow through my words as this is the light that is guiding my journey. Honestly, I did not know I was craving a spiritual life until I haphazardly fell into it. It has become an integral tool to help me continue down this path.

This is slowly becoming a space where I can show up at the intersection of every part of my being. It will be chaotic and confusing at times while also being gentle and easy. Pain, life, yoga, spirituality, travel, joy, heartache and love will all show up here eventually. With each word, I will crack myself open a tiny bit more, allowing my light to shine that much brighter into the world.

Hope and love. This is what I am discovering, within myself and out in the world. All we need is a little love and hope to get through. I simply want to offer a little dose of both to every single person reading these words. There is love in everyone and everything and hope is always present, even in the darkest of rooms.





Years on this planet

Countries visited

Different places I've lived in the US

Times I've swam with sharks